Gardening tips for July

Gardening tips for July

The summer is in full swing and most of the big jobs in the garden have been done. July is mainly about maintenance, but above all, enjoying everything that grows and blooms!


  • Give flowers and plants sufficient water in warm and dry weather, but never in the blazing sun. Are you going on vacation? Don’t forget to ask someone to take care of the plants.
  • Weeding. Perhaps not het best job, but necessary to limit the spread of weeds. After weeding, you can leave the weeds lying down and dry for some extra nutrition.
  • Do you have a lot of slugs in the garden? Don’t just spread the slug pellets on the ground, otherwise they will dissolve too quickly and have little effect. Put the grains in a jar and put them diagonally in the ground for the best result.
  • Remove bad and faded flowers from the butterfly bush so they can bloom again.
  • Milti-year olds such as the companulas, forget-me-nots and dragon flowers can be sown in July.


  • Plants that have flowered for the longest day of the year (June 21) can now be pruned
  • Roses can also be trimmed. You can cut out faded roses above the “fifth leaf”. Under the bud you often first have a branch with 3 leaves, under that a branch with 5 leaves. This is called the “fifth leaf”.
  • Maple, birch, and hornbeam trees may be pruned while they are full in leaf. Nut and grape trees can also be pruned now, as in summer the sap is less bountiful and the plants do not bleed.
  • Grapes need sun to grow. Therefore, remove the leaves hanging in front of the bunches. Would you like large grapes? Then thin out half of all bunches. One cluster per branch is enough. Use a pointed pair of scissors, such as the Okatsune 207, to cut in the tight spaces.


  • Mow the lawn twice a week. Don’t mow too short or you risk burns and brown spots.
  • Fertilising once a month is sufficient. Plan this before a rain so that the manure can soak into the soil properly.

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