Gardening tips for May

Gardening tips for May

The “R” is has left the months and the chance of frost is almost gone! This means that overwintered container plants can retake their places outside! The time has come to realize all the plants you made last winter!


  • Annuals and summer plants can go outside.
  • If you put plants in pots of porous earthenware, make sure they are dry before you put plants in them.
  • Keep on weeding and fertilizing.
  • Do you want a wall with flowering plants all year round? Then plant different types of, for example, the climantis! They bloom alternately in spring, autumn, or summer. If you combine this, you always have flowers in the garden.


  • Prune spring flowers. Prune them so you can’t tell it has been pruned by removing long and inner branches. Otherwise, you get thick branches with young shoots and that does not look nice.
  • Prune fuchsia buds so that the shoots branch and the plant gets full.
  • Climbing plant scan be pruned throughout the year. Keep an eye on the situation of the plant through the whole year.
  • In May most birds lay eggs. Always check before you start to prune that there are no bird’s nests.


  • When the ground is very hard and the grass is thin, you can aerate the lawn by poking holes in the ground. This loosens the soil and stimulates root growth.
  • In addition to moving the lawn, the edges can now also be cut off.
  • A good way to maintain the lawn is by mulching every week. The lawn will thicken from the mulch. Don’t combine this with a mower equipped with a grass bag or the effect will be gone. In September, you have to rake away the thatch layer.

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