Vegetable Garden in June
okatsune kitchen garden tip-june

Vegetable Garden in June

June is a busy, but wonderful month in the vegetable garden! Suddenly everything grows and there is lots to be harvested. There is even a good chance you will end up with a surplus of fresh vegetables. Fortunately, there are always colleagues, neighbors, friends, and family ready to eat from the harvest!

The first strawberries can be harvest – what a treat! Pick the fruits carefully and use a delicate touch when transporting them. Strawberries are fragile and will quickly rot if damaged. It is best to eat the strawberries as soon as possible after harvesting. With a surplus of strawberries, you can of course make the tastiest homemade jam. Especially if you also have currants and raspberries that can be harvested.

Currants are also ready to be picked in June. The berries can be picked bunch by bunch and should be treaded carefully like strawberries to prevent damage. The berries don’t last too long after harvesting, so eat up!

Many leafy vegetables will be harvesting in abundance this month. Lettuce and endive can be cut from their stalks if they are large enough. Also plant new plants quickly if you want more in a few weeks.

There will also be spinach. The large green leaves can be picked piece by piece, although cutting with a sharp garden scissor will work faster and more pleasantly. Keep the beautiful green leaves in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and do not forget to wash them properly.

Many herbs grow smoothly in June and can be harvested regularly. Freeze any surplus herbs or dry them. In this way, you have herbs from your own garden at your disposal throughout the winter. herbs with firm twigs, such as thyme and rosemary, can best be dried and then kept dry and cool. Herbs with softer stems, such as chives and parsley, are better frozen.

For onions, beets, carrots, and potatoes, be patient. These plants need a while to grow into fully-fledged plants. The beans, courgettes, and pumpkins also need time to grow further, as they have just been sown or planted. There is a good chance that the broad beans and peas will soon be ready to harvest.

In short, pluck your most beautiful greens and herbs from the garden and make the tastiest, most colorful salads! All from your own garden, something to be proud of!

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