Vegetable garden in May
okatsune kitchen garden tip-may

Vegetable garden in May

May is a busy (but delicious!) month in the garden. Everything can be sown and planted and because the days stretch longer and warmer, everything grows with abandon.

May is an ideal month to plant lettuce, endive, and cabbages. You are certainly not too late to plant carrots, beets, spinach, turnips, parsnip, and chicory. Chances are the soil is still fairly moist, but if the soil is dry it is wise to water with care for your fragile new shoots.

You may already have yellow onions and shallots if you planted them before, but if April was cold, May is also an ideal month for planting red onions. You can also indulge yourself in the sowing and planting of many herbs: chives, parsley, mint, thyme, and countless other herbs may find a it a wonderful month to grow considerably. Before you know it, you could start a herbal shop or, of course, build a winter supply for yourself.

Mid May is an important turning point in the vegetable garden season. The last chance of frost in the night has passed and from now on all plants, whether they are frost tolerant or not, can be planted from mid-May. Think of plants that originate from southern regions, such as courgetti, squash, tomatoes, and corn. The same is true for cucumbers and pickles.

If you sow the above plants in early May, chances are you can transplant them to a nice open spot in the garden two or three weeks later. This gives the plants a flying start and you can expect the first harvest early in the season.

Most bean varieties, like the plants mentioned above, can withstand cold and wet conditions. This means May is also a good month for sowing beans. To be on the safe side, wait until the end of May to sow them unless the weather forecast for mid-May is good. If rain is expected for days, you should wait. Bean seeds will rot quickly in wet, cold soil.

There is a large chance your strawberries will bloom in May. As soon as the flowers turn to small fruits, cover the soil around the plants with a layer of straw. This ensures that your strawberries will soon be placed on a soft bed and prevents splashing mud during a rain shower. 

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